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People of Shang Dynasty inhabited the  region of North China Plain and its main capital city was Yin which was in modern Henan province. The first king of Shang dynasy was TANG who won the title after defeating Jie from Xia dynasty. Their rule is dated  1766–1122 bc.


Shang Dynasty is famous for bronzework. They made a lot ceremonial objects but also everyday dishes and utensils. 

Jade carving flourished at this time.

China in Shang Dynasty

At this time people were occupied mainly with farming and agriculture work. The society was divided into nobles and masses. Some nobles were appointed by the king to be governors and through them the ruler announced what crops should have been planted and collected from the fields. 

The year consisted of 12 months - every month was 30 days long. 

Religion in Shang Dynasty

All of the classes had one thing the same-religion. In China religions like : Taoism, Confucianism, and Buddhism — had not yet been formed.  Folk religion during the Shang dynasty was polytheistic, meaning the people worshipped many gods.

 Ancient   China

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